Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Getting ready for Christmas

On this fourth day of December, it's already 54 degrees at 9:00 a.m. and I will once again take advantage of the mild weather to work outdoors on Christmas decor. Monday's 68-degree temperature was a delight as we worked miniature white lights into bushes and replaced burned-out bulbs in the trees.

There have been years when my fingers were numb trying to wind lights through tree limbs in the cold and, according to the weather forecast, those temps will return later this week. So while it's mild -- I took off my sweater and was working in a tee shirt and jeans yesterday -- we'll make hay while the sun shines, as my mom says.

We're getting ready for a Shenandoah Valley Christmas with friends and family. Fresh greens, nandina berries, fir boughs and other evergreens will be decked out with bows and ribbon. It's my favorite time of year.

But today, while it's warm, there are some late-falling leaves on the ground that need to be raked so we have work to do along with the fun of decorating our corner of the world as we prepare for winter and the first snowfall that, hopefully, will be here soon. I have put in my order for a white Christmas.

It's December in the Shenandoah Valley....

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