Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tonight ... Shenandoah Valley could see 100 meteors an hour

Conditions should be perfect tonight to turn an eye to the night sky and see meteors streaking through the December Shenandoah Valley night.

With clear skies and a new moon that guarantees darkness, meteorologists are saying the meteors will begin around 9:00 and continue throughout the night with the most action taking place between 1-3:00 a.m. when up to 100 meteors an hour may be visible. This is the peak of the 2012 Geminid Meteor Shower, an event that is visible around the world.

So bundle up -- it's already 34 degrees at 5:00 with overnight temperatures expected in the 20s -- and head outdoors to let nature entertain you against the backdrop of the surrounding mountains. It's a meteor party!

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