Sunday, February 24, 2013

Monday: LG Bolling addresses Larry Sabato's students at UVa

Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling will be in Charlottesville on Monday talking with Professor Larry Sabato's students at the University of Virginia. The "Intro to American Politics" class will likely ask the LG about his possible run as an independent in the gubernatorial race. Bolling has said he will announce his decision on March 14.

Sabato says Bolling faces a financial challenge if he decides to run as an independent, but there are advantages. 

"Ken Cuccinelli is seen by many to be too far to the right," Sabato said. "Terry McAuliffe is seen by many to be inexperienced and unconnected to Virginia. So Bolling is kind of the porridge that's just right - not too hot, not too cold - just right, at least for those in the middle in Virginia."
Sabato had an op-ed piece in Sunday's Richmond Times-Dispatch with background on independent gubernatorial runs from Virginia's past with thoughts on Bolling.

Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell

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