Wednesday, March 06, 2013

March 2013 snow: Augusta County final accumulation 19" west of Staunton

Snow from the March 2013 snowstorm seems to be finished for now. The last flakes stopped around 2:00 this afternoon. High winds moved in by late morning, driving snow horizontally, and is expected to cause additional power outages as it continues this afternoon and into the night. Thousands are without power as Dominion Power and others work to restore heat and lights for the upcoming cold night. Our electricity blinked on and off throughout the day and finally went out at noon on Wednesday but was back on by 2:00. We ended up with around 19" of snow in our corner of Augusta County west of Staunton. Blustery winds started blowing the snow around late in the storm, making it difficult to accurately measure the last two hours of accumulation but we are in there with 19.3" in Craigsville to our west, and 20" in Staunton and Fishersville to our east.

I will definitely remember snow piled on picnic tables when we are grilling out with friends this summer in the shade of the trees on a hot afternoon.

The bird feeder has been popular during the snow as well as the heated bird bath that is on the deck. Juncos flocked to cleared-out, sheltered areas under bushes where SWAC Husband spread bird seed away from the feeder. My parents feed the birds -- my step-dad built the feeder in this photo -- and that got me interested in doing the same with my family. Beginning when my kids were small, the feeder hung in a tree outside the school room window where we could observe and document the variety of birds who visited.

Snow-flocked cedar trees were especially picturesque in this wet, clingy snow.

SWAC Husband and I roamed after the snow lightened up. It's difficult to take photos while snow is still falling because it is almost impossible to keep the camera dry. By the time we went out after noon, clumps of snow being blown off tree limbs and clobbering us were the main concern as we explored the winter wonderland.

"Neither rain nor snow nor dark of night." Our mail was delivered around 3:30 on Wednesday afternoon. Thank you to our mailman, Mike Piper, and the U.S.P.S. They take their share of dings ... kudos for their dedication during this storm.

When SWAC Husband got bored, he went outside and started shoveling.

Under all that snow, it's difficult to identify the garden bench.

Many thanks to neighbor Parmer who showed up with his tractor and cleared the driveway without us even hearing him. This was a fantastic snowstorm. After a boring winter with only one snow event during Christmas -- enough for sledding -- many wanted just one more good snow before spring. We got it. I'm a happy camper and can turn my thoughts to garden seeds and flower boxes.

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
March 6, 2013

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