Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Shenandoah Valley: 3:45 a.m. ... 9" of snow

Our electricity flashed off and back on at 1:00 a.m. I woke long enough to look at the clock and went back to sleep. Then at 3:40 a.m. it flashed off and back on again and I picked up my watch to check the time. Still half asleep, I grabbed up my camera and headed to the deck to check on the snow that had been about 4" and snowing heavily at 11 p.m. Sure enough, there were about 9" of snow piled up and still coming down.

The wind, though not the big gusts yet that we are expecting, was blowing snow off branches that are sagging under the weight of the heavy, wet snow. Because it looks like our power will go out sooner rather than later, we are up and making coffee, cooking breakfast, and watching weather-related news on TV before going unplugged. How much snow will we get....?

4:04 a.m. Another power surge ... house plunged into darkness for a few moments and then lights back on. 

Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell
March 6, 2013

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