Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Senator-elect John Cosgrove wins 14th Senate District special election

John Cosgrove, the Republican delegate who served for 10 years in the Virginia House of Delegates, won Tuesday's special 14th Senate District election after the Democratic candidate dropped out in July, leaving him unopposed in the race. He will serve the remaining two years of retired Senator Harry Blevins' term.

Virginia House Speaker Bill Howell congratulated Cosgrove on his win:
"I want to congratulate John on his election to the Virginia Senate. For over a decade John has served the greater South Hampton Roads community and the Commonwealth of Virginia with dedication. John has been a valued member of the House of Delegates and a personal friend to many of us. We will miss his insight and expertise on the issues, and know he will be a tremendous addition to the Virginia Senate. On behalf of the entire House of Delegates, we wish him the very best in the years ahead."
In May Cosgrove won the Republican nomination in a three-way firehouse primary after his endorsement by Congressman Randy Forbes.  Other endorsements included the man he is replacing, Senator Harry Blevins, as well as Senator Tommy Norment, Senator Ryan McDougle, Delegate Chris Jones, Sheriff Jim O'Sullivan, Eric Wray, Commonwealth Attorney for Chesapeake Nancy Parr, Treasurer Barbara Carroway, and Mayor Alan Krasnoff as well as others.

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