Sunday, September 15, 2013

Chilly morning in Shenandoah Valley

View looking west from Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park, near Big Meadows
September 12, 2013

Thursday while visiting Shenandoah National Park, the temperature was 90 in the Valley and around 80 in the park -- unusually warm for mid-September. This morning, just three days later, it was 41 degrees at sunrise with heavy dew in my corner of Augusta County.

We're one week away from the first day of fall on September 22 and the weather this weekend has certainly felt like we've slipped into the next season. Temperatures in the low 40s the past two mornings are preparing us for cooler temps, sweat shirts, sweaters, and brisk walks.

One week left of summer with daytime highs predicted in the 70s. It's going to be a busy week so we'll get out and enjoy the waning days of summer. It's almost fall in the Shenandoah Valley....

Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell
September 12, 2013

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