Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Bill Bolling and Virginia Mainstream Project ... good ideas for good government

From Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling and his Virginia Mainstream Project....

Friends –
Last week, through Virginia Mainstream Project, I released a series of proposals designed to improve the structure and operation of Virginia’s state government.  Full details of these recommendations can be found here.
The proposed changes would impact the election and role of the Lieutenant Governor, approve gubernatorial succession, create a bipartisan redistricting process, implement the merit-based selection of judges, establish a Government Performance Review Commission, change Virginia’s two-year budget cycle and mandate a review of all current exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act to improve governmental transparency.
I called on all candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General to support these proposals because they will make state government more efficient, more effective, and more accountable to the people of Virginia.
I’m pleased to report that these proposals have received enthusiastic support from opinion leaders all over the Commonwealth:
Today’s top opinion: Mainstream (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
“We issue a full-throated huzzah to Bolling’s proposal for bipartisan redistricting. He would take the process out of the hands of the legislature by empowering a citizen panel to draw the electoral maps.”
Imagine: ideas, not ick (The Roanoke Times)
“He [Bolling] has done all Virginians a service by injecting meaningful policy proposals into a campaign otherwise mired in slime.”
“Free of political constraints, Bolling on Monday proposed a long slate of ideas to make Virginia a better state, a more democratic state and a more open state.”
Bill Bolling’s good ideas (Staunton News Leader)
“Many of these proposals are common sense. We used to employ that in government. Bolling reminds us we still can and indeed should.”
Many thanks to all those who have voiced support for these proposals.  The Virginia Mainstream Project will continue to promote responsible, common-sense solutions to the important challenges facing our state and make certain that we keep our focus on the thing that matters most … BUILDING A BETTER VIRGINIA.
Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling

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