Sunday, November 03, 2013

Billy Graham's 95th birthday party at Grove Park Inn ... my invitation must have gotten lost

Green Park Inn. July 2013

It's hard to believe that longtime religious figure Billy Graham is turning 95 years old. This religious icon will celebrate his milestone birthday Thursday at a blow-out party for 800 at Asheville's Grove Park Inn in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, not far from his home in Montreat.

Many notable people were invited and many others will be there ... real estate magnate Donald Trump, politicians, musicians, and others, as reported by John Boyle in the Asheville-Times. Former Presidents George Bush 41 and 43 were invited but #41 doesn't travel much anymore and #43 had a schedule conflict.

It is an invitation-only event. Hmm ... my invitation must have gotten lost in the mail....

Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell

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