Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Reps. Eric Cantor, Bobby Scott to give back to community Wednesday

On Wednesday, November 27, 2013, Congressman Eric Cantor (VA-7) and Congressman Bobby Scott (VA-3) will volunteer at the Central Virginia Food Bank and help prepare weekend backpacks for children who do not have reliable access to nutritional meals other than those provided at school. This is part of an ongoing #ServiceRVA effort to encourage more people to give back to the community.

From the Weekend BackPack Program website:
Around the region, you’ll find many teachers who can tell you about a student who came to school on Monday, not reluctant to start the school week but eager to get back to school after going through Friday evening, all day Saturday, and all day Sunday without a square meal—or knowledge of a source for their next meal.

Those children are the reason we started the BackPack Program.

The BackPack Program is one of FeedMore’s major initiatives to ensure that children in need have balanced, nutritious food they need to learn and grow. The concept is simple: children at risk of weekend hunger receive a bag of food that is child-friendly, nutritious, nonperishable, and easy to prepare/eat. Each BackPack offers enough food that children can easily assemble into six healthy meals over the weekend when schools are unable to provide breakfasts or lunches.

By partnering with Communities in Schools, school staff, and local school systems, the BackPacks are distributed to children in need through the school system—discreetly—each Friday afternoon or before a long holiday weekend.
The Weekend BackPack Program is looking for more partners. Go to the website for more information.

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