Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sweet Potato Bread Pudding with Whiskey Hard Sauce

Part of the fun of being in the blogosphere is the people we meet and the information we share. Case in point is this cold weather recipe a blogging friend sent over that is something my husband will absolutely adore. He's the big sweet potato lover in our family, and bread pudding is one of his favorite desserts. The recipe is posted at her blog, The Little Black Dress and A String of Pearls, where she declares:
It has been said that a Southern woman only needs three things to survive any social situation: a little black dress, a string of pearls, and a Smithfield ham. If you ever find yourself facing that “social situation”, this little blog is my contribution to weathering the storm, making a splash, or merely creating some 'comfort on a plate'. So .... find a recipe, grab a glass of wine, maybe a mint julep, or perhaps a cold sweet tea and head for the kitchen .... time's a wasting!
Amen, Sister!

Hop on over and check out Merlot's recipe for Sweet Potato Bread Pudding with Whiskey Hard Sauce, just in time for Thanksgiving menu planning. Eat, drink, and be merry!

Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell
Thanksgiving 2012

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