Saturday, December 07, 2013

Dinner with Congressman Eric Cantor and the 7th District Republicans

Majority Leader Eric Cantor and his wife, Diana, whose birthday is this weekend. We serenaded her at dinner to celebrate her special day.

We ate ... and then the Congressman ate. After greeting everyone at every table, he finally got a plate of food and sat down to eat.

The Republican women were photo-bombed by Davis.  :)

Jennifer and Linwood Cobb, Susan Allen, Eric and Diana Cantor.

Some of my favorite young Republicans were at this table. Some of them I've known and worked with since they were CRs.

Speaker Bill Howell

Our dessert was delicious. We were told it was triple chocolate red velvet raspberry cake. It was scrumptious.

The Cantors always send everyone home after dinner with a gift. It was fun, it was great fellowship, and it was an opportunity to let the Congressman know how much we appreciate all his work in D.C. It was also an opportunity to thank Linwood for all his hard work as chairman of the 7th District which happens to be where my parents live. Congratulations to Chesterfield County Republican Committee Chairman Donald Williams for leading the #1 committee in the 7th District for 2013.

We missed Mike Thomas from the Chesterfield Committee -- feel better soon!

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
December 6, 2013

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