Tuesday, December 17, 2013

'Twas the week before Christmas

[I'm taking a break this evening from holiday preparations for our Shenandoah Valley Christmas with my family, something we are very much looking forward to. Visions of my own version of "The Night Before Christmas" danced in my head and I sat down and popped out a few verses before getting back to work. It's Christmas in the Shenandoah Valley....]
'Twas the week before Christmas and all through the house
Every creature was stirring including the mouse.
With plans for family, friends, and neighbors, too,
To celebrate together ... there was much left to do.

Last touches on the tree, a wreath on the door,
The presents were bought except perhaps just one more.
Gingerbread baked in the oven with care,
Looking forward to when our guests would be there.

Cleaning the house and planning the meals,
And scanning the ads for those last-minute deals.
Gift wrap was piled deep on the floor,
To decorate gifts and candies bought at the store.

A Shenandoah Valley Christmas is what we'll celebrate
With everyone here, this holiday's sure to be great.
One week left to go, we're almost done
Then it will be time to settle back and enjoy the fun.

Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell
December 17, 2013

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