Saturday, January 25, 2014

Winter day on the snowy back roads of Augusta County

 Saturday's travels in western Augusta County were curtailed because of high gusting winds, blowing snow, and frigid temperatures. I avoided some of my usual back roads because drifting snow over roadways made driving a bit tricky without four-wheel drive, and blowing snow speckled my camera lens.

 Staying home, however, was not an option. I've been wanting to get out into the back country all week but waited because of road conditions. Today's overcast skies were what I wanted for my pictures, and so I headed out, and I was not disappointed. The snowy vistas, icy streams, and even the blowing snow left me in awe once again at the beauty of this part of Virginia.

 The flags at Buffalo Gap High School stood straight out in the extremely windy conditions.

 Just think how many winters this old farm house has seen at the foot of the Appalachian Mountains.

 Buffalo Gap.

 One of the many historic homes in Swoope.

 Snow had drifted over this road and in some areas was half-a-foot deep.

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
Western Augusta County, Virginia
January 25, 2014

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