Sunday, February 16, 2014

Thoughts on a Sunday evening

Some random thoughts on this winter Sunday evening....

It was one of those days ... meeting a friend for lunch and sitting for hours talking, laughing, and catching up. What can I say? My face hurt afterward from laughing so much. Thanks, Trixie ... it's always fun!

It's kind of sad to think that the Olympics have already passed the halfway point and we'll have to wait four more years for the winter games. Years ago I didn't pay for cable TV but when the Olympics came around, it forced my hand and I signed on just for that. Oh, and for the Christmas movies and specials, too.

Favorites during the Olympics include anything that involves ice skating, anything downhill skiing, and cross country skiing. But really I like watching it all -- hockey, curling, luge, bobsled, skelton, snowboarding -- everything. Too bad it's so warm in Sochi. I mean, 65 degrees is just not right for winter sports. The snow in the mountains has been slushy and slow. Meanwhile, how neat a name is "Iceberg" for the indoor ice stadium?

The February full "snow" moon has certainly been bright this weekend as it illuminated the 18 inches of snow that fell Wednesday and Thursday. According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, it's called the snow moon because February typically is known for its abundance of snow. It was also known to Native Americans as the starving moon because hunting was so difficult in the dead of winter.

Our snow lights, tiny white lights intertwined in the wisteria vine across the front porch and along the picket fence and trees in the back yard, have been busy this week since we turn them on whenever there's snow. I'm going to milk every ounce of enjoyment out of winter 2014.

I'm reminded again this week of the importance of friends. Not acquaintances or allies -- true friends. In politics, they say, if you have one or two people you can call friend, you're doing good.

As I look at politics in these turbulent times, it's a reminder that I'm a Republican. I'm not a Libertarian. I'm not tea party. I have always been a Republican. It's sad that the big tent we enjoyed in the past has been closed to many who have been long-time Republicans and volunteered for many years. That needs to change.

Can I just say that watching American ice dancers Meryl Davis and Charlie White as they glide across the ice leaves a happy feeling? This team that has been together for 18 years -- since they were something like seven and eight years old, received the highest score ever recorded in the short program today and are in first place going into tomorrow's free dance long program. They skated to a medley of music from "My Fair Lady" including "I Could Have Danced All Night." Niiiice. Here's wishing them luck as they prepare for that final competition.

And watching Bode Miller win bronze today provided satisfaction as this champion who has competed in five Olympics and is now 36 years old held on as he flew down the mountain in the Men's Super-G, skis clattering over the ice. He had been out-skied in three earlier alpine events. He broke down in tears after winning his medal as the memory of his younger brother, who died last year of a seizure after an earlier serious brain injury, a heart-wrenching scene as he doubled over in grief, tears streaming down his face. Bode is the oldest Olympic medalist in its alpine skiing history.

Tuesday night is the first of the Winter Lecture Series at the Frontier Culture Museum.  This four-part series that offers guest speakers is about the American Chestnut, that hardwood that was a staple for pioneers in the Blue Ridge Mountains and disappeared after a blight wiped it out in the early 20th century. It's all free.

Enjoy the snow that still covers the ground and, from the weather forecast, it sounds as if we could get a little more Monday before warming up this week, and then another weather event for next weekend.  Have a good week....

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