Wednesday, April 30, 2014

New posts at ... come check us out!

It's been a busy morning at as contributors have published posts that we hope you will find informative and entertaining. Here's a sampling:

- Coming soon: Red vs Blu: Kurt Michael brings his new comic strip Red vs Blu to the blog. The characters are a take-off of the classic 1961 comic strip in Mad Magazine, Spy vs Spy: “The comic strip always featured two spies who are completely identical save for the fact that one is dressed in white and the other black. The pair are constantly warring with each other, using a variety of booby-traps to inflict harm on the other. The spies usually alternate between victory and defeat with each new strip.” Red vs Blu follows the same genre. Stay tuned as we prepare to follow their adventures.

- Andrea Oakes: Staunton's Best Buy celebrates 20 years in business: City Councilwoman Oakes recently joined Congressman Bob Goodlatte as they attended Best Buy Distribution Center's recognition of their 20 years as an employer in the city.

- David Karaffa: Augusta County supervisors will begin staggered terms: Supervisor Karaffa explains how staggered terms will work beginning in 2015.

- Eric Cantor: U.S. House schedule for April 30, 2014: What's going on in Congress today? Here's the schedule for the House of Representatives.

Pop on over and check out these and more as the day goes on. We've got the coffee pot brewing and keyboards are clicking ... stop by and sit a spell at

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