Sunday, April 27, 2014

Photos 3 ... Sixth Congressional District convention

Jeb Wilkinson is one of my favorite Republicans. We met during the 2004 George W. Bush re-election campaign when he was state coordinator and I was Augusta County coordinator. We was driving to Richmond to pick up supplies from Jeb to carry back to the three local units -- Augusta County, Staunton, and Waynesboro. That was an intense race. He's a hard worker. Since he's heading up the RPV State Convention in June in Roanoke, he was filling everyone in on some of the details. Probably the best announcement was that two food vendors will be on the premises -- Buffalo Wild Wings and ChickFilA.

Elizabeth Cline

Karen Kwiatkowski

That certainly looks like a military stance to me.

Patsy Walker

Secretary Sandy Gates

Trixie will probably shoot me for this one but I love the look on her face as she's listening to Senator Steve Newman. Doesn't she look like she's thinking that line from the old TV show "Different Strokes"... "Whatcha talkin' bout, Willis?"

The Goodlattes

Delegate Terry Austin

Then finally ... lunch! Thank you, Congressman Bob Goodlatte. Delegates Steve Landes and Dickie Bell in the chow line. If we had only had time to eat it....

Trixie and Dan Averill, Roger Jarrell, Trey Jarrell, my husband and me. Roger is the new chairman of the Rockbridge-Lexington Republican Committee. His son is 17 years old and a race car driver. See his Facebook page here.

Then back to the auditorium for a resolution fight. Don't you just love conventions? I'd just like to say that most people who vote on these resolutions have no idea what they're voting on so there should be a deadline for submitting them, then they should be emailed to every delegate so these things are sprung on people at the last minute. Members of Sixth District's State Central Committee had their votes taken away today, something that was tried four years ago but they were unsuccessful. Here we go again. Stop making resolutions at conventions without prior notice!

Freedom out of the building into the sunshine and 83-degree temps didn't come soon enough and we headed north on I-81 to Augusta County. Look at that beautiful scenery with redbuds blooming and mountains in the distance ... that's Virginia in the spring!

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
April 26, 2014

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