Sunday, August 06, 2006

Bush Was Right ... Confessions of Three Former Terrorists

Three former terrorists tell their story....

You have got to go to and check out this post which is a video of an interview with three former terrorists who live in America, and what they have to say about radical Orthodox Muslims who are intent on destroying us. The video clip is about 16 minutes long but it is well worth watching every minutes of it.

What jumped out at me more than anything else was when these three men said, "Bush is right to take the war to their turf and not here on our turf."

These three men - Ibrahim Abdullah, Walid Shoebat, and Zak Anani - give insight into the radical terrorist mindset as they try to warn Americans to be aware that terrorists are living and training amongst us right here in our own country.

Deerborne, MI, home to one of the men, is one of the largest Muslim populations in America where 99.9% of residents are of the Muslim faith. Many plots, they say, start right there in Deerborne where Muslim leaders cultivate a collective incitement of millions of Palestenian kids, a life style of hating America that is "all over" their culture - schooling, socialization, faith. In places like Deerborne and other cells here in the U.S. Muslim children are born and raised with a hatred in their minds and hearts against Americans. The majority of Muslims, they say, support terrorist organizations.

Are we still at risk of another 9/11? Absolutely yes, and more so from "home grown" terrorists like those in Deerborne. But we must be aggressive against them because they understand the consequences of retaliation. President Bush was absolutely correct, they said, in going after terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq because the terrorists understand retaliation and will be less inclined to attack when they understand America will strike back.

These men are speaking out and, when asked why, they questioned where they would live if not in America? Radical Muslims are taking over Spain, England, other European countries, the Middle East ... and they want to be able to raise their families so if not in America -- where?

And this all didn't just begin recently. Since 1980 radical leaders have been recruiting people and money and planning attacks ... 9/11 didn't just happen but was in the planning for many years. Muslim leaders are mobilizing their youth to carry out such attacks and will do anything to destroy America and Israel. They use America as a base to raise millions of dollars to further the cause.

Their suggestion to President Bush is he should continue to hit hard and finish the job against terrorists in Iraq. They say he is standing strong and that is the thing that needs to be done against radical orthodox Muslim terrorists.

This is an eye-opening, riveting video. Please go to and watch it for yourself ... and spread the word to everyone you know who wants to live in a terrorist -free world. And, most especially, if you have a way to get anti-war liberals to watch this video, please do so. They need to see what we are up against.

Wake up, America!

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