Thursday, September 14, 2006

Ross Mackenzie, editor extraordinare

Editor gets it on War on Terror

I'm going to miss Ross Mackenzie when he retires from the Richmond Times-Dispatch at the end of this year. I wish he would stay. He's been outspokeningly ... conservative. How many newspaper people do you know who are conservative? Ross Mackenzie gets its!

Mackenzie's column in today's Times-Dispatch is titled "It's Getting Old, Their Game of 'Can You Top This?'" In it he talks about returning from vacation and checking the headlines to get caught up ... and finding the same Democrat/lib screeching he saw before he left:

"Fire Rumsfeld. Impeach Bush. Condi's a joke. Cheney is wrong. The retired flag officers are right. We all voted for the war before we voted against it. We support the troops but not the war ... "

... and on and on.

He ended it with this:

"The irreducible facts: We are at war. The jihadists hate us, want to destroy our freedoms and rights, seek to kill us. And we dare not flag until they are defeated and victory is ours."



  1. Ross McKenzie will missed indeed. He is one of the few voices of sanity left at the RTD.

    That quote is worth repeating:
    "The irreducible facts: We are at war. The jihadists hate us, want to destroy our freedoms and rights, seek to kill us. And we dare not flag until they are defeated and victory is ours."

  2. I grew up with Ross Mackenzie's common sense columns. When I became an adult I realized what a gem he was in the liberalism that consumed the journalistic world.

    I have admired him and so last year when I won "Correspondent of the Day," I was excited because Ross Mackenzie would be at the annual Correspondents luncheon at the News-Leader office in Richmond. I finally met, in person, the editor I admired the most. I saw in person his bowtie, glasses on top of his head, and that impeccable speech he possesses.

    I will miss him very much when he leaves at the end of the year and, sadly, I am afraid when he leaves the T-D will begin to lean more and more to the left.
