Monday, October 16, 2006

George Allen's UVA friend says he never used "n" word....

I wrote in a previous post that something was fishy about the story coming from George Allen's UVA accuser saying he used the "n" word. This letter in today's Harrisonburg Daily Record backs up my suspicion. How long before the lefties try to tear down this guy? I applaud him for stepping forward.

Letter to the Editor
Harrisonburg Daily News Record
October 16, 2006

Allen Is Not A Racist

After reading stories about Sen. Allen, I feel a strong responsibility to go on record about my experience at U.Va with George. I played football at the University of Virginia from 1969-1974 (I was red shirted after my freshman year). George was a quarterback and the new guy coming in.

We took several classes together over the years, and spent a lot of time together.

For the record I will say the following:

1. From the first day I met George, he was consistent. He didn't talk much, was fairly quiet, didn't make excuses, and didn't accept excuses. He worked hard to both learn and do his job, and was the kind of person that let his actions speak for themselves;

2. I spent a lot of time with George over those years and never heard him make any racist remarks. He was an equal opportunity person and quarterback: if you messed up he let you know, and if you did a good job, he let you know. George Allen was not a racist, he was a leader. He was well respected on our team, and I was proud to be his friend.

I also knew Ken Shelton very well. I've seen several articles and statements that imply that Ken and George were very close. For the record, Ken and George were not that close. I would classify them as having been casual friends as opposed to close friends. I spent a lot of time with George and Ken was rarely included.

Not only did I not ever hear George use the N Word, I heard him tell other people not to use it and especially not to use it around him.

Michael A. McGugan
Silver Spring, MD.

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