Thursday, October 19, 2006

Staunton Misleader gets it wrong ... again!

Local newspaper living inside comfy bubble of misinformation

I honestly think the Staunton News Leader is purposely misleading the public about Senator George Allen. There's no other way I could possibly explain today's editorial, "Don't burst the bubble." They accuse the Allen campaign team of insolating their candidate from the media.

The News Leader is wrong.

I was in Manassas yesterday for a news conference with Senator George Allen, Senator John Warner, Attorney General Bob McDonnell, and many distinguished veterans. The purpose of the news conference was to announce that Senator Allen had been endorsed by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Political Action Committee (VFW-PAC) and the National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition. Didn't read that in your local newspaper, did you?

The press was given the opportunity to ask questions afterwards but there were none so everyone dismissed and individuals approached the Senator.

David Gregory, MSNBC reporter, tracked down George Allen and interviewed him for a long time. I could tell from the Senator's face as he smiled and patiently responded that he must have been asked the same old question again.

Where was the "bubble" in that exchange? The News Leader is wrong.

When Senator Allen flew into the Shenandoah Regional Airport at Weyers Cave on October 3, he took questions from the press afterwards ... and they all had questions ... and he responded patiently to each one. The News Leader's reporter was there and, when called on, said his question had just been asked by another reporter. The next day there was a tiny paragraph on page 3 in the left column, usually reserved for upcoming events or announcements, in the paper about Allen's visit.

Where was the "bubble" in that exchange? The News Leader is wrong.

Why hasn't the News Leader reported the news in an accurate fashion? Why do they continue to report only one side of the Allen-Webb race?

Come on, Dennis Neal and David Fritz. Let's have some accuracy. I'm tired of the same old slant. Let's see you turn your magnifying glass on Jim Webb. But that's not going to happen because Webb is your man.

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