Sunday, October 29, 2006

Waynesboro News Virginian endorses George Allen

Allen has experience, proven record
The News Virginian
Sunday, October 29, 2006

The U.S. Senate campaign in Virginia has been fraught with missteps by both candidates and attempts by both parties to divert voters’ attentions from the key issues.

But when voters go into their polling places a week from Tuesday and focus on the issues and what the candidates stand for, the choice is clear.

Only one candidate has the experience of running Virginia’s state government - and being one of the most effective governors in recent history.

Only one candidate has been not only a U.S. Senator but also a member of the House of Representatives and before that a member of the Virginia House of Delegates - and has been an effective legislator at that.

And only one candidate will stand up for the conservative values that are important to Valley voters.

That candidate, of course, is George Allen.

As governor from 1994-98, Allen led a number of initiatives that have proven to be extremely effective, including the abolition of parole for violent criminals, welfare reform, and state regulatory changes. Economic development in the state soared during his term, and Virginia was recognized as one of the best managed states in the nation.

In his first term in the Senate, Allen has risen to chairmanship of several subcommittees - as well as leading the Republican senatorial campaigns in 2004 - and has been an effective advocate on issues important to Virginians - including technology and jobs.

From criminal justice to taxes to energy to homeland security, Allen is right on the issues. And there is something to be said about the company that politicians keep. Allen is supported by two of Virginia’s most senior statesmen, who come from different sides of the aisle: U.S. Sen. John Warner, a Republican, and state Sen. Benjamin Lambert of Richmond, a Democrat. His opponent, on the other hand, enjoys the support of such liberals as John Edwards and Hillary Clinton.

Allen has stumbled in this campaign. Those mistakes have turned what should have been a runaway into a squeaker. They have jeopardized his presidential ambitions. But we believe that a lifetime of sound public service outweighs a wayward sound bite.

This election is critical. Control of Congress lies in the balance. Virginia - and the Valley - needs strong, conservative leadership in the U.S. Senate. On Nov. 7, we urge you to re-elect Sen. George Allen.

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