Saturday, October 14, 2006

Webb camp ... yawn ... has another "exclusive"....

Here we go again....

Not Larry Sabato thought he had a scoop, a real-ly big story, an exclusive. He was going to pull the rug out from beneath George Allen.


Come on, NLS. Why do you insist on being the water boy for the Webb camp's muddy campaign? Can't we talk issues? What in the heck does a fishing license infraction over 30 years ago have to do with today's senatorial race? Are you guys that desperate to win? Never mind; I already know the answer.

Then, over at Howling Latina, was this:

Well, Howling Latina doesn't know what the exact temperature was on February 15, 1973, the date of the legal infraction but...if she were a betting person, she'd bet the farm she doesn't own that if Allen went fishing, he was the only fool in the entire state to have done so. Let's face it, frosty February ain't exactly fishing weather.

I'll take that bet, HL. And where do you live anyway? It must not be Virginia because in this part of the world it can be quite mild in February. Even here in the Shenandoah Valley we can have days in the 70s in February; in fact, it can be a mild 70-something one day and snow the next. That's the nature of Virginia weather. So the only fool would be you, HL. Where exactly are you anyway? Can't be in Virginia ... because we most certainly can fish at that time of year.

Want to talk issues, anyone?

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