Friday, November 17, 2006

Media bias and its role in politics....

Mainstream media got its man elected

So now we hear about how S. R. Sidarth was really treated by the Allen camp?


Barely a week after the election that took down one of the hardest-working public servants for Virginia conservatives ... we are finally reading the rest of the "macaca" story.

In a Sunday Washington Post op-ed, I Am Macaca, Sidarth wrote, "Everywhere I went, though I was identifiably working on behalf of Allen's opponent, people treated me with dignity, respect and kindness. I cannot recall one event where food was served and I was not invited to join in the meal."

Scripps Howard News has a related story. So two news outlets have picked up on this already ... why not before the election?

Stay tuned for more great news from the MSM ... they will probably now discover the economy is great, unemployment is the lowest in five years, yada yada yada.

Media bias ... don't preach to me about fair and balanced and how Fox News is right-wing. This is a subject I intend to pursue.


  1. Anonymous12:10 AM

    "In a Sunday Washington Post op-ed, I Am Macaca, Sidarth wrote, "Everywhere I went, though I was identifiably working on behalf of Allen's opponent, people treated me with dignity, respect and kindness. I cannot recall one event where food was served and I was not invited to join in the meal."

    I know someone who worked in the same position as Sidarth during the last few weeks of the campaign and I can tell you that that WASN'T the case. He was thrown out of events (for no reason at all) and even had Allen make a few snide remarks to him.

    As for "media bias," you mean like THIS?

  2. Anonymous9:43 AM

    There's no conspiracy theory here. Siddharth was open AND Jim Webb also stated that George Allen was wrong to think that Virginians were racist.

    Allen played the race card and Virginians was fair and square and above board.

    I'm not a "dem" I'm an independent but I disliked Allen's service as my senator. No one in his office would ever reveal how he was going to vote on net neutrality up until the very moment Allen chose to BLOCK net neutrality in committee and prevented it from going to the floor for a vote.

    Net Neutrality is an issue that is overwhelmingly supported by ALL of Allen's constituents from the Christian Coalition folks to the folks.

    Allen preferred to side with the telecommunications industry who basically "bought him" lock stock and barrell.

    Hopefully all Virginians will be pleased to have a Senator like Jim Webb who cannot be bought out by the special interest corporate lobbysists...

    Plus we need a UNITER in office who helps Virginians get along better and stop "fighting" with each other so we can start discussing the serious issues.

