Thursday, December 14, 2006

Big Brother Jimmy is watching?

Shaun Kenney posted about the possiblity of the Jim Webb campaign gathering personal information about Virginia bloggers during the just-completed campaign...

... and as I read the blogs I was amazed at the number of lefty bloggers who were condoning this behavior and bashing Shaun Kenney.

Question # 1: Would they take the same stand if the story said the Allen campaign had compiled files on the blogger community?

Question # 2: The bloggers who are defending the Webb campaign if, indeed, this really occurred ... did they protest the Patriot Act?

Question # 3: Some have proposed that, because we blog our opinions, we are fair game to being investigated. Would they support that same reasoning for mainstream media reporters? If a journalist wrote something negative about a campaign, would it be okay for the campaign to retaliate by revealing personal information about that journalist?

I was just wondering....


  1. Waldo, read the comments under Shaun's post on his site for bashing comments.

  2. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Ever read WOS?

  3. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I haven't seen anyone "defending" the Webb campaign for this...just none of us are ready to "believe" this Shaun Kenney claim without something to back it up.


  4. You're a little late commenting on this story ... that was last week's news.

    Pesky Mosquito. Buzz..Buzz... SMACK!
