Monday, January 22, 2007

Happy "Sparking" Birthday, Kilo!

Carl Kilo over at Spark It Up!!! is 42 years old today ... and birthday wishes are sent his way from all his friends here in the SWAC area.

Flora over at United Conservatives of Virginia posted the following that was on Kilo's site last year on his birthday. I found it especially touching considering today thousands of pro-life supporters are in D.C. for their annual Roe vs Wade march and rally.


In a small town not far from Chicago, 41 years ago today, a life was spared. A drug addicted mother gave birth to a child. This child was now to endure weeks of blood transfusions and treatments.

In the city a few miles away a young husband and wife dreamed of having a child of their own. The husband was a dirt farmer from Mississippi who went in the army young and then to Illinois to find work after his discharge. The young wife was a honors student, her family rooted deep in coal from the dark hollows of Dickenson County was in Illinois doing the same. They met in church and were married a few months later.

They adopted the unwanted child born on this day in 1965 years after that. The hospital where the child was born was closed a short time later for abortion issues and a black market baby selling deal. The parents provided this child with love and a home. They afforded this child a chance to dream, to become what he wished, even though working in coal was not their wish for him. We should not forget the biological mother. You see, she afforded him the same dream. She chose not to hold her mistakes against him. She chose to offer him life and a chance to dream. She should be commended for her unselfishness. The child had never told her this until today. She said it gave her such great peace to hear that. Her child responded he was just glad she gave him the chance to be here. So many are not given that chance.

Happy Birthday, Carl!


  1. Thank you.
    I wish I could be there to march and meet Sam Brownback. In a perfect world I could go to the bloggers day and stay for the March and Brownback's party. I hope you get to go.

    That story is true. I hope one day we can meet and I will tell the whole tale.
    When I was adopted, my new parents were not allowed to pick me up at the so called hospital. My Godparents picked me up...rushed me out...stopped at a stop sign and removed my diaper..My Godmother said "We got us a boy". My parents did not know anything about me, sex, race, etc, until I got to their home. Most of this story is recorded on old film and newspaper articles.
    Yes...I am blessed.

  2. Carl, I'd love to get together one day and hear "the rest of the story." Spank That Donkey says we need to head to Danville one of these days and meet up with you and Alton, something I agree would be a good thing. Best wishes for a wonderful birthday and many more to come.
