Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Put a candle in the window for our troops

A way to show your thanks....

Here in the SWAC area we are huge supporters of our troops. Those guys volunteered to go into the military to protect us and our families, and we have many from this area who are active military, in the reserves, or are veterans.

The true story of the war, as told by the men coming back, is not printed in the MSM. Those who support the war don't get equal coverage from the MSM.

How can we let the world know that we support the troops and we thank them for their sacrifice in protecting us? Many people don't like to stand on a street corner with an American flag and a "Support the Troops" sign for a variety of reasons -- they have to work, they have young children, they are intimiated by the anti-war protesters.

Here's something we can all do to show our support.

Put a candle in the window.

Mine is already there.

It's for Nate who is still in Iraq, for Herb who just came home from Iraq, and all the others. It's my way of saying...

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I think that sign is great !

    I saw one in a window of a college students apartment and asked him if I could have it for our restaurant...I think I'll just make my own.

    Thanks for sharing
