Good news, indeed.
Scheduled to be dismissed from the Navy on January 31, 2007, U.S. Navy chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt received a last-minute reprieve when a three-judge federal panel blocked his dismissal to allow time for an appeal.
Lt. Klingenschmitt's offense? He prayed in Jesus' name.
Gasp! The horror of it all!
The man is a chaplain, a servant of God, and he has had to fight the U.S. Navy because he was practicing his faith and praying in Jesus' name.
What's wrong with this picture?
Why is every other religion in America protected under penalty of law against someone offending those religions ... and yet there is no protection but, rather, there appears to be a war on Christianity?
What religion is overwhelmingly practiced in the United States?
And, yet, Christians are beat over the heads as their rights are stripped away one by one. Just look at the current flap going on with the removal of a cross from the College of William and Mary's chapel.
A cross in a chapel.
Ye gads.
In a country that is overwhelmingly Christian ... three out of four adults identify themselves as Christians and some estimates have Christianity making up 85% of the U.S. population ... there is something inherently wrong with the constant attacks on the Christian religion.
There is something even more disturbing in the number of Christians who do nothing to counter this madness.
A Navy chaplain should be allowed to do his job and, in this case, that includes praying in the name of Jesus.
The key difference is that this man is not a clergy member in the traditional sense. He is a military officer first, subject to the orders of the officers appointed over him. He knows that and accepted those terms in exchange for a steady income, free from working his way up in a civilian denomination.
ReplyDeleteThe military Chaplains consider Mormons to be Protestants and, in cases of need, ANY chaplain is an interchangeable substitute for any other.
For this officer to complain neow is just petty. If he wants to live by his own rules, there is a place he can do that.
I respect your thoughts on this but obviously I disagree as stated in the post. To forbid a Christian chaplain from praying in the name of Jesus is politcal correctness at its worst.