Saturday, February 03, 2007

WIN THE WAR! Victory in Iraq

Please feel free to use this image and spread the word!

Spent the afternoon with Spank That Donkey driving around the SWAC area taking photos of dozens of homes proudly displaying their WIN THE WAR signs. He has begun to post the many photos on his site with this first post ... and then with this second post.

There is a growing boldness from the Silent Majority who are responding and wanting to help spread this message. As we transferred signs from one vehicle to another today, a woman in the parking lot approached us to ask if she could have one. That has happened a number of times as word-of-mouth has news of the signs spreading faster than we can deliver them. We now need to reorder as we've just about depleted the first order ... and there seems to be no let-up in requests.

A citizen in Lexington/Rockbridge County took 20 signs to that area today; we've had word there may be a request from Albemarle County for dozens of signs. We're hearing from blue collar families, military families, white collar families ... farmers, merchants, everyday folks. It's exciting to drive down the road and see a WIN THE WAR sign at a location we were unaware of.

CANDLES IN THE WINDOWS: Don't forget to put an electric candle in the window to show support for our troops and to thank them for their sacrifice for our freedoms.

Build morale on the homefront and on the battlefield. Spread the word ... START A TREND!

Spank That Donkey has his sign. Johnathan Maxfield has his sign. Thanks to Isophorone for helping spread the word.

To those displaying signs: We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

WANT A SIGN? Leave a comment with your email (I won't publish) and I'll contact you. Or check Spank That Donkey's post for information on how to have one mailed to you.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    If I can get them by March 29th, I can distribute at least 100 signs to tue believers at the big Chantilly Gun Show the last weekend of this month. Regardless, I can use a few for myself. What do they cost and who do I send the money to? G.A. in Shenandoah County
