Monday, February 26, 2007

So where does George Allen go to get his reputation back?

So the mainstream media did it again ... but we all knew that, didn't we? During the fall senatorial campaign the MSM did everything in its power to strip George Allen of his Senate seat and put in temper-tantrum Jim Webb.

It worked.

Now comes word that -- oops! -- the Associated Press made a mistake.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch had an editorial about this issue ("Option 'Scandal,' " 2/23/07, p A10), asking the question, "So where does George Allen go to get his reputation back, never mind his job in the Senate?" The newspaper wrote...

A month before last year's election, in which Allen was narrowly unseated by Jim Webb, The Associated Press reported that Allen had failed to disclose stock optoins he earned while serving as a director of Commonwealth Biotechnologies Inc.
The story went on to say...

The AP also hinted at wrongdoing because the Richmond-based company had done business with the state while Allen was governor. He served on the company's board between his departure as governor and his election to the Senate.

George Allen tried to get the media to listen. His spokesman, John Reid, told the AP in October, "While we continue to believe that we have disclosed more than is required, we will abide by the formal ruling of the [Ethics] Committee." However...

The charges were used by the Webb campaign and mentioned in scores of subsequent news stories and broadcast reports. The implication was clear: George Allen, macaca man and stock-option cheat.

Last week it was disclosed, by the AP, that a bipartisan Senate Ethics Committee had cleared Senator Allen. He was not required to report the options.

Oops! Sorry about that.

In the words of the Times-Dispatch...

"Kudos to the AP for correcting its earlier story. It comes a little late, though."

No wonder Rush Limbaugh calls it the drive-by media.

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