Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Flip-flopping Jim Webb: "I was for the troops before I was against them...."

Candidate Jim Webb, September 2006:
"Anyone who tells you we can set a timetable for withdrawal, doesn't understand war. Anybody who says that nothing can be done to speed a secure peace, doesn't understand America."

Yesterday in the Senate:
Jim Webb voted with the other dems to set a timetable for withdrawal of the troops in March 2008.



  1. Jim Webb used to understand the meaning of Semper Fi also...

    Seems his aide spent the night in jail... Webb's defense of him?

    I did NOT give you that gun.. no matter what you remember...

    Flora said it best... It's Semper I with Webb and Murtha!

  2. "Semper I" ... how sad. Those Marines on the ground in Iraq now know Webb and Murtha are not watching the Marines' backs ... they're watching out for their own....
