Saturday, March 03, 2007

Wait a minute, RD ... there ARE lefty entries on VBC

Imagine my surprise when I read BNN and saw the Richmond Democrat declaring the new Virginia Blog Carnival was out and there were NO lefty blogs represented.


I had not received any lib entries so I included Not Larry Sabato and Raising Kaine. How in the world did RD miss those??

But I owe RD an apology. Being the newbie at hosting the Carnival, I wasn't aware there was another "entry" place to look for submissions. After I published the Carnival (which I now realize was a bit earlier than normal), Kilo sent over an entry from Richmond Democrat and one from conservative blogger Roci.

My apologies to them both. They have now been added to the lineup.

Meanwhile, RD got so worked up that he has created his own blog carnival. Have fun! As a first-time host I will say I had fun ... but it was time-consuming. And I didn't even decorate it up with pictures and all like most folks do. So RD is taking on quite a task. As I said ... enjoy!

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