Virginians and the nation mourn as the story unfolds about the deadly massacre on Virginia Tech's campus this morning. Many stories are coming out from surviving students and will be told in the news and blogs in the days to come.
We were thankful to finally hear that our fellow home school friends' son Ryan was safe as well as others who are friends of my college-aged children. We're in shock now as the reality of the situation tries to settle down on us ... parents calling parents ... friends calling friends ... as we try to confirm the safety of those we know. The relief is immense as yet another name is passed along of yet another student who is safe.
Survivors have horror stories of students around them being gunned down ... stories of heroism are coming out ... stories of escape. The sad distinction is that Virginia Tech, my step-dad's alma mater, will now be known as the site of the worst shooting in U.S. history.
With three weeks of school left, it remains to be seen if classes will finish out. At this time plans by Tech officials call for classses to resume tomorrow ... but that may change.
Our prayers are with the families of those who were slain and with all of those at Virginia Tech. May God bless them all.
there is no class Tuesday.