Monday, April 16, 2007

Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling's statement regarding shootings at VA Tech

[Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling spoke with Fox News' John Gibson at 5:20 p.m. His son, Matt, graduated from Va Tech in the spring of 2006.]

Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling today released the following statement on the shooting tragedy at Virginia Tech.

“This is a very difficult day for Virginia Tech, the Virginia Tech family and the Commonwealth as a whole.”

“Our deepest and most sincere condolences go out to the family and friends of all those who have lost loved ones this day in the senseless and inexplicable tragedy that has occurred on the campus of Virginia Tech. They are in our constant thoughts and prayers.

“In addition, our prayers and best wishes go out to all those who were wounded for a full and speedy recovery.

“We have been in constant contact this morning with Governor Kaine’s office. They have kept us fully informed of the events at Virginia Tech as they have occurred.

“In addition, I have personally spoken with Dr. Charles Steger, the President of Virginia Tech, and I have expressed to him our willingness to assist the university in this difficult time in whatever way we can. We will stand ready to do so in the days and weeks to come as well.

“Virginia Tech is one of our nation’s finest institutions of higher education. The students, faculty, staff and alumni of Virginia Tech are a close family. As the father of a 2005 graduate of Virginia Tech, I consider myself a part of this family as well. In difficult times like these families pull together, and I have no doubt that the Virginia Tech family will pull together as well in this difficult time.

“In the face of a tragedy of this nature, it is natural for us to look for an explanation for why things like this happen, but there is no explanation that will suffice. Time will tell what prompted someone to commit these senseless acts, but now is a time for mourning and supporting those who need our help.

“It is said that tragedies and the difficult times of life make us stronger, and I believe that is true. By relying on our faith, our family and our friends, I am confident that we will emerge from this tragedy stronger as well.”

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