Chris Saxman is a man on a seemingly paradoxical mission: to improve Virginia’s schools by giving parents more choices.
The conventional wisdom is that school choice programs – particularly those that provide vouchers or tax credits for use in private schools – will destroy the system rather than making it stronger. Saxman doesn’t buy that argument.
"Competition makes schools better. Look at higher education in Virginia. It’s diverse, accessible and affordable," Saxman said. "Everyone supports choice in higher education, but not in K-12."SAXMAN ISN’T new to the school choice fight. The 41-year-old Republican delegate from Staunton has introduced school choice legislation for the past four years. The result is predictable. Defeat.
It's a very good piece about why we need school choice. Read the entire editorial here.
[The defeat of school choice comes from the Senate where Del. Saxman's own 24th District Sen. Emmett Hanger didn't vote to let his school choice bill out of committee in the 2007 General Assembly session.]
H/T to Carl at Spark It Up!
I am impressed with Mr Saxman. We need more leaders like him.