Friday, May 25, 2007

"For God & Country: Faith on the Battlefield"

Tune in tonight, May 25, at 8:00 PM on WAZT-TV and see “For God and Country: Faith on the Battlefield.” SWAC's own SSgt. Herb Harman will be featured.

Dean Welty with the Valley Family Forum writes...

Monday is Memorial Day, which has been observed nationally since 1868, right after the Civil War. It is an opportunity to honor the more than one million men and women in the Armed Forces who have given their lives for the freedoms we enjoy today. It is a sobering reminder that “Freedom is never free.”

Our guests will be Lt. Col. Jeff White and Staff Sergeant Herb Harman. They both take their faith and their call to arms seriously, soldiers who stand ready to defend our freedoms. And as a good friend regularly reminds me, “For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.”

We will ask them what “God and Country” mean to them. Under what conditions is war justified? What does the Bible teach about war? Who and what are worth fighting, and dying, for? And what in their faith compels them to leave their families for the battlefield, and then sustains them on the field?

We will also be asking their wives, Jocelyn White and Jan Harman, about their concerns for their families when their husbands go to war. Mrs. White was once an Army officer herself, so we will ask how that compares to being a full time homemaker and home-school teacher to her three children. Her answer will surprise you!

God calls all of us to obedience in different ways, and we can be deeply grateful for those who continue to put themselves in harm’s way, “Brave men who stand ready to do acts of violence so we can sleep safe in our beds.” Memorial Day is a time to reflect, to be grateful to all our men and women who stand in the gap for us, and to pray for peace in America and around the world.

Jan told me the wives didn't talk much because the husbands has so much to tell ... it sounds like an interesting program ... just what you need to head into the Memorial Day weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I encourage you to listen to the message from Chuck Colson, Faith Under Fire: Where Is God in Wartime? This brief message recounts letters from members of the armed services about the role of faith in combat and reminds our troops that they are not forgotten and are prayed for daily across the globe.
    Posted on the BreakPoint blog, The Point (
