Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Will the GOP moderates be uniters or dividers?

It remains to be seen if the moderates are going to be gracious in their wins over conservative candidates. So far they're not doing so well.

Senator Emmett Hanger has been congratulated by SWAC leadership for his win over Scott Sayre. However, on today's WSVA radio talk show Sen. Hanger was heard making more disparaging remarks about the Sayre campaign.

Wait a minute. Didn't Emmett win? Doesn't he know that a gracious winner moves forward and does not trash his opponent after the contest is over? What is he thinking?

Check out Jim Riley's post at Virginia Virtucon - "Will support run both ways." He updates about Sen. Ken Stolle (R-Virginia Beach) who made the following comments last night:

“The dynamics are clearly different as a result of the elections tonight. It makes it harder for us to maintain a Republican majority in the Senate. I think it can still be done, but all the stars have to be aligned, with very little room for deviation.”
Hmmm. Jim goes on to add:

Time to get on the same team, Ken. Start extolling the virtues of the rest of the GOP ticket and steer big wads of cash their way. Talk about these candidates’ energy, enthusiasm and new ideas that will benefit all Virginians. Highlight these candidates’ solid backgrounds and how they will be excellent candidates who will not only maintain a Republican majority in the Senate, but expand it. We don’t need a downer who is looking to rain on the parade.
He said it way better than I. Ditto.

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