Sunday, July 22, 2007

More photos from "Win the War" counter-rally to Cindy Sheehan in Charlottesville Friday....

The media mixed in with crowd.

The Downtown Mall has many sidewalk restaurants. The one nearest the rally site wasn't doing much business Friday evening....

Charlottesville has a "writing wall" at one end of the Downtown Mall. Sidewalk chalk is provided for those who would like to print a message, draw artwork, or whatever moves them. This was the message I left on the wall Friday.
SWAC Girl's message on the Charlottesville Writing Wall: SUPPORT THE TROOPS!

A number of children were there to support the troops.

This little "Win the War" support's sign says, "Al-Qaida thanks you."

Barb with her American flag.

Pre-rally getting ready.

Update: Read more from John Maxfield who was at the rally and provides wrap-up.
Update: Read the post from Flora McDonald of United Conservatives of Virginia who was also at the rally and gives the reader a different perspective.
Update: Gathering of Eagles has linked to this post. Check out comment # 83 under the write-up about Cindy Sheehan's appearance (or lack there of) in Charlotte.
Update: Red State has a follow-up post about the rally and a link to SWAC Girl.
Update: Josh Levy at Win-the-War blog has photos and write-up about the rally with a link to SWAC Girl.
Update: NBC-29 coverage of the rally.
Photos by SWAC Girl

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