Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Rush Limbaugh offers compromise with Left on pull out in Iraq....

“I want to present a hypothetical here. I know this would not happen, but I’ll offer a compromise, the Limbaugh compromise, to the Democrats in the Senate and in the House...

I will agree to pull our troops out of Iraq if you Democrats will agree to my conditions after the defeat...

When al-Qa’ida celebrates after we pull out, after we admit defeat, every TV image of al-Qa’ida celebrating must be a split screen. On one side, al-Qa’ida celebrating; on the other side, I want pictures of Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer and Carl Levin smiling and congratulating themselves.

When al-Qa’ida slaughters Iraqis after we pull out and we see the pictures of this on TV, every TV image must show a split screen. On one side of the screen, the bloody slaughter scenes; on the other side of the screen, pictures of smiling Harry Reid, smiling Chuck Schumer, smiling Carl Levin congratulating each other with big laughs...

I think that’s a reasonable compromise, and I’ve offered it here in all sincerity. If the left will agree to this compromise, I will join them in calling for a pullout from Iraq.”

--Rush Limbaugh

H/T Spark It Up!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:32 PM

    They would never have the guts to agree to this compromise. For a majority of the Lib bloggers in VA--they know nothing of the true sacrifice that the men and women in harm's way have to deal with on a daily, hourly, sometime every minute basis.

    Perhaps if they understood, or took the time to find out, their outlook would be quite different. Their judgment is sorely lacking in this regard.
