Sunday, July 22, 2007

To UCV: It is we who thank you

Flora McDonald of United Conservatives of Virginia shares a comment with her husband during rally as Kim from Augusta holds a sign.

Flora with her "Operation Iraqi Freedom" shirt brought to her from Iraq by Cargo Squid.

Was reading Flora McDonald's new post about Friday's "Win the War" counter-rally to Cindy Sheehan in Charlottesville. In Va Says You Don't Speak For Me, Cindy, Flora ends by saying:

There was something tremendously satisfying and hopeful for me, as the mom of an active duty soldier, to see so many Americans enthusiastically defending our Troops. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
No, Flora. It is we who thank you for the sacrifice your family and your son have made for us. For us to stand on the street to publicly show our support for our troops and proclaim that we must WIN THE WAR is the least we can do.

Thank you. And God bless.

Photos by SWAC Girl

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