Friday, July 20, 2007

Today - Win the War! Rally in Charlottesville - Updated - Show Cindy Sheehan We Support Our Troops!

A number of SWACers and conservative bloggers statewide are heading to Charlottesville for the Win the War Rally and to show Cindy Sheehan that we SUPPORT OUR TROOPS. Besides Republicans from the Valley and central Virginia area, other groups joining will be the Protest Warriors, Gathering of Eagles, and others.

Additional information from the Albemarle GOP:
Well-known liberal activist Cindy Sheehan is visiting Charlottesville today, Friday, July 20th, for a "defeat and retreat" rally at 6 p.m. You can read about it by clicking here. Josh Levy, UVa Law Republican (and one heck of a great American) is organizing a Counter-Rally to occur at the same time, same place.

When: 5:45 p.m.
Where: Meet on Charlottesville Downtown Mall, in front of Paramount Theater
Who: YOU, your family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, church members, and anyone who believes in America
Why: See Rally Director Josh Levy's letter below.
Signs -- Make and bring signs to show your support: "Win The War," "Support our Troops," and "Fight Terrorism" are great sign slogans.
Shirts -- If you have pro-American or Anti-Terrorism T-shirts--wear them!
Parking -- Plan to arrive and be parked by 5:30 p.m. at the latest. The Charlottesville Mall is always crowded on Fridays. Click here for information on parking in downtown Charlottesville.

We need to send a message to everyone in attendance -- and especially those who will see, read, and hear the media coverage -- that winning the war against terrorism is critical to the survival of our nation. If you are willing to attend the Counter-Rally, please contact Josh directly by emailing him at:

Also, please consider forwarding this message to anyone in your address book who might also be interested in attending. Stand up for freedom!

Josh Levy, Win The War! Rally Director, to appear TODAY on WINA:

Win The War rally Director Josh Levy will appears live on WINA 1070 on Friday, July 20, 2007, from 9:30-10:00am. Tune in to hear Josh Levy and to find out the latest details on the Win The War rally.
Message from Josh Levy, Win The War Rally Director:

Thanks for being a part of our non-partisan Win the War! campaign. We've launched the campaign to rally and sustain public resolve for victory in Iraq and the defeat of terrorism.

The WTW campaign aims to unite pro-victory groups around the country under an umbrella group while simultaneously reaching out to talk shows, blogs and citizen action groups. The goal is to establish a united front of national leadership and a widespread local grassroots organization.

Our campaign is organizing a pro-victory, counter-rally to Cindy Sheehan's "defeat and retreat" rally on the downtown mall by Charlottesville Ice Park this Friday (July 20, 2007) at 6 p.m. Its aim will be to remind Ms. Sheehan and her supporters, and the public at large, that many citizens of the area believe that defeating Al Quaeda decisively in Iraq will do more to defend America and bring about peace than giving in and handing the terrorists a victory.

Those attending the counter-rally are asked to meet in front of the Paramount Theatre on the mall at 5:45 p.m., and then walk over to Ms. Sheehan's event. "Win the War!" signs will be provided. Families are welcome to join.

Anyone with questions should contact me, Josh Levy at

Although the Albemarle County GOP is helping coordinate the counter-rally, the "Win the War!" campaign aims to reach out to Democrats, Republicans, and independents. Believing that the war cannot remain the policy of one party alone and still succeed, the campaign emphasizes the overarching reasons for fighting and not retreating until Al Quaeda in Iraq is destroyed and a peaceful, decent society is established.

Many liberals, moderates and conservatives who now lose heart once stood firmly behind the war. It is to them, as well as to those still dedicated to winning, that the campaign will appeal. It is hoped that this grassroots network will sustain the fight in Iraq over the long-term.

Most media stories center on the frustration of Americans with the war. But if political candidates see that a majority of Americans nonetheless stand for victory, they will align their positions accordingly. The debate will likewise change. It will not be between "staying the course" and "pulling out," but instead will focus on the best way to achieve victory and build a decent, self-reliant and productive society in Iraq.

I hope to meet you in person on Friday at our WIN THE WAR! rally.

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