Monday, August 20, 2007

AG McDonnell campaigns for GOP ... what's at stake in 2007

From Attorney General Bob McDonnell - August 20, 2007:

As you read this email I am enjoying my first day back in Richmond in over a week! I have spent the past 9 days traveling Virginia in support of our Republican candidates. I attended events in Gate City, Wise, Breaks, Richlands, Pearisburg, Hillsville, Floyd, Blacksburg, Franklin County and Roanoke. And this is just the beginning.

This year is critical for the success of our Republican Party. Races for the House and Senate are important for many reasons. Among them, the majority party in the General Assembly will affect the redistricting process for future elections and dictate policies that will determine whether Virginia will remain prosperous.

It is the Republican Party that has brought policies fostering historic economic growth and competitiveness in Virginia, allowing the entrepreneurial spirit of our Commonwealth's citizens to flourish; it is the Republican Party that reformed welfare and promoted policies punishing violent criminals and protecting our childrenfrom sexual predators; and it is the Republican Party that has protected the institution of marriage and right to life.

A Democrat majority would surely mean a reversal of many of the gains we've made over the last fifteen years.

For this reason I will continue to work from now through Election Day, raising money, giving speeches, talking about our record of accomplishment and our vision for Virginia and doing everything I can to reelect our Republican friends and elect new Republicans like Jeff Evans in Southside, Marc Cadin in Northern Virginia and Admiral Hank Giffin in Hampton Roads.

From now till the end of October, I will be attending more than 75 events in support of Virginia Republican candidates on the state and local level.

The 2007 midterm elections are vital to the future of Virginia. The ideas of our Republican Party have helped to transform our Commonwealth into what President Reagan called "a shining city on a hill." Now, its time to open a new chapter in the Republican Revolution in Virginia -- and that all starts this November.

I look forward to seeing you on the campaign trail!

Bob McDonnell

McDonnell for Virginia
P.O. Box 438
Richmond, VA 23218

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