The liberal blogs have been almost beside themselves today gleefully reporting DPVA's newest tool to highlight what they consider "gotchas" against the Republican candidates. Following is a fund raising letter sent to dem donors telling what they hope to accomplish. Please note they have specifically targeted Lt. Governor Bill Bolling's townhall meetings this week.
Dear [insert name],
Do you remember the George Allen "macaca" video?
That piece of coverage played an instrumental role in the election of Senator Jim Webb-- and winning back the United States Senate last year. But that turning point in Senator Webb's campaign would not have been possible without his dedicated staff members following George Allen's every move.
That's the kind of work we're doing here at the Democratic Party of Virginia. As the Research Director, I'm working to build a Party apparatus that can immediately respond to the missteps and lies told by the Republicans who are trying to maintain control of the General Assembly.
Today, we launched a new website dedicated to shining a spotlight on just how far out of touch Republicans are in this state. is a new project for tracking the often strange, sometimes corrupt behavior of Virginia's more extreme candidates for office.
But this kind of tracking and research takes money. So I'm asking you to help us support your Democratic candidates by making a donation.
Hold them accountable by visiting our secure contribution page today.
We need your support to make sure voters know exactly what our opponents are saying. How else would we have caught George Allen in his "macaca" moment?
This week alone, Bill Bolling is holding two town hall meetings where he'll claim he wants to improve public education - then he's off to raise money for a state Senate candidate who wants to eliminate public education altogether!
This is the kind of extremist ideology we need to fight. It's the kind of extremist ideology we want to make sure isn't turned into Virginia policy. And it's exactly that extremist ideology that is out of step with Virginians. They just don't get Virginia!
And that's why we've launched this new website. Help us set up a state-of-the-art operation to bypass the media and take the story of their lies, flip-flops, and out-of-whack priorities directly to you.
I spend my days going through Republican documents, speeches, and video archives -- finding discrepancies in their speeches, holding them accountable for their shameless pandering, fact-checking their statements, and establishing a larger narrative to frame our opponents. We need your help to make sure we have the resources to get the job done right.
This is the information we need to know -- and we need your help to make it happen. That's how we'll win in November! So please donate today.
See you in the field!
Greg Scanlon
Research Director, DPVA
A real shame. Greg Scanlon ran one of the funnier comics in the Cavalier Daily when he was a student at UVa, but he's shown that is about the only thing of worth he will ever contribute.