Monday, September 03, 2007

Dems aren't waiting to hear from Gen. Petraeus....

Liberal democrats have been planning for months to march on the White House on September 15 to protest the war in Iraq.

They do not give one whit what Gen. David Petraeus and the military leaders have to say about Iraq. Good or bad, it does not matter. The dems are already planning to protest. But do not forget their tired old line ... they support the troops.

Yeah ... right.

Do you think for one minute they would at least talk with those troops to hear how much they support their mission?

Not a chance. The anti-war protesters will be in D.C. September 15 no matter what the report is from Iraq ... because they don't care about anything except protesting this President and anything and everything he stands for ... just because he is a Republican.
Partisan politics has reached a new low with liberals.

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