Saturday, September 29, 2007

A friend giveth....

If I had not already been convinced of the importance of those around me, today would have sealed it. I drove home tonight thinking how grateful I am for those I consider "friend."

In politics there is always something to be done: signs to be lugged somewhere, booths to set up, materials to gather, campaigns to run ... and today I had help from several sources with various campaign-related tasks.

But the one that was bugging me the most was that I had bogged down on a candidate's literature ... my creative juices were dried up ... so tonight I met with a friend who worked with me to put together a campaign flyer.

It was something that had been hanging over my head for a while ... but after several hours of work, it was finished. While driving home I looked at the full moon over the mountains and gave thanks for this place I call home ... and for my friends.

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