Thursday, September 06, 2007

Treason? Chuck Schumer SLAMS American troops....

So the Democrats "support the troops"? How long must we hear that lip service? Sen. Chuck Schumer, a sitting U.S. Senator, slammed our American military yesterday in remarks he made in front of Congress, proving the lie of Democrats' support of the troops:
And let me be clear, the violence in Anbar has gone down despite the surge, not because of the surge. The inability of American soldiers to protect these tribes from al Qaeda said to these tribes we have to fight al Qaeda ourselves. It wasn't that the surge brought peace here. It was that the warlords took peace here, created a temporary peace here. And that is because there was no one else there protecting.
Please, Senator, let me be sure I make your point clear for anyone who reads this:
The violence in Anbar has gone down despite the surge, not because of the surge.
Is that how you support our troops? But, as if that was not bad enough, you continued:
It wasn't that the surge brought peace here. It was that the warlords took peace here, created a temporary peace here. And that is because there was no one else there protecting.
I would like to see Chuck Schumer stand up to those 2,000 U.S. Marines who put their lives on the line (and some gave their lives) and say, to their faces, that they did nothing to help bring peace to Anbar Province.

It is perfectly clear to me that Chuck Schumer is trying to lay the ground work to dismiss Gen. David Petraeus' report on Iraq next week.

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