Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Barak Obama ... no respect for America's symbols?

Democrat Presidential candiate Barak Obama stopped wearing an American flag pin on his lapel weeks ago ... and yesterday, as all the other candidates stood at an event and placed their hands over their hearts for the national anthem, Barak stood with hands clasped -- no hand over heart. If someone is going to be the leader of the United States, there are certain things I expect them to do especially showing respect to the American flag, a symbol that members of our armed forces fight and die for, and that many of us fly on a daily basis to show our love for this great country. We are at war ... we have young men currently fighting under that flag. Why would anyone want a President who has no respect for America's symbols?


  1. Republicans tackling the real issues:

    Lapel Pins.

    When all else fails, divert to something that has no influence on America.

    Does wearing a lapel pin immediately mean you have tremendous respect for the flag? Does not wearing it mean you have no respect for it?
    No and no.

  2. Michael, you are missing the whole point that someone who wants to be the leader of this country is not respectful of two of her most important symbols -- the flag and the national anthem.

    We are at war -- how could someone who wants to be the Commander-in-Chief of the military be so dismissive of the red, white, and blue?

    The American flag stands for everything we as Americans believe in.

    Have you ever seen the reverence shown by an active military member or a military vet as they interact with the flag? It can move combat-hardened men to tears. They are careful not to let it touch the ground, they make sure it flies higher than any others, and they protect it because it represents what they fought for.

    Indeed, the red stripes represent the blood that was shed fighting for America; white symbolizes loyalty; blue stands for unity.

    The sight of red, white, and blue stirs pride in me ... there can never be too many American flags proudly waving in the breeze ... may Old Glory always wave.

  3. I dont think he is being dismissive of the flag by not incorporating it into his wardrobe. I don't think Thomas Jefferson nor many other presidents wore wore any snazzy lapel pins, but nobody could question his patriotism. If a world war 2 veteran chooses to never wear a pin, would it be considered disrespectful?

  4. Get over the pin, Michael. It is what it represents that Barak is missing. You are trivilizing it by zeroing in on the pin.

    The flag is a symbol ... but if you had read my response to you earlier you would know that.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Setting aside the lapel pin issue. When the national anthem is played, you are supposed to place your hand over your heart if in civilian clothing and salute if you are in military clothing. Anyone seeking to be the Commander in Chief should know proper protocol.

  6. Real Americans row the boat together and are willing to pledge allegiance to do it. When Obama didn't grab a paddle, his colors unraveled on stage in front the whole world. Better here than in the oval office.


  7. Anonymous12:40 AM

    This is America, no matter who you are you have the freedom to do what you want to do. If he wants to stand there but not hold ihis hand over his heart then he has the freedom to do so. By not holding his hand over his heart he is showing what America is truly about and what those men and women are dying for. He is not following the sheep blindly, he is showing everyone that as Americans we have the choice to do what we want to do as long as it is legal. It is not against the law to do what he did. But yet we critize him for it and ignore all the others that have been and want to be president that have commited illegal acts.

  8. Ya you can do what you want, free coountry... But this nation has NO place for a leader who has NO respect for the United States, and those who fought and died to defend our freedoms...

    The pin issue is dum... HISTORICALLY, we're not even supposed to wear American flag shirts, or display the flag anywhere on our body, that changed somehow... But not showing respect and reverence for the very thing your running to lead and defend, that's a different story...
