Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Clear Channel defends Rush Limbaugh to Harry Reid

Scott's Morning Brew has the letter from Mark Mays, CEO of Clear Channel. Harry Reid is the laughing stock of America ... how absurd to go before his colleagues and read a letter (presumably from questioning Rush Limbaugh's patriotism and calling on Clear Channel Communications to condemn their # 1 radio personality.

On Rush's show yesterday, angry military families were calling to condemn Harry Reid and the democrats, and to thank Rush, because they were absolutely clear of Rush's high esteem of our military ... his verbal support on-air, his financial support through military charities, his in-person support by visiting with the troops in Afghanistan....

Rush is beloved by the troops; in fact, they asked to have his Rush Limbaugh Radio Show added to the military radio lineup, and soldiers and Marines have personally thanked him on-air, presented him with American flags that have flown on missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and much more. He stands up for them and has never wavered in that support.

Does Harry Reid do any research before throwing out false accusations ... or is he at the beck-and-call of

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