Thursday, October 04, 2007

"Defending the American Dream:" Washington, DC ... the Nation's Capitol

The White House as seen from Lafayette Park across Pennsylvania Avenue.
Pennsylvania Avenue in front of White House.
Reporting in....
Old Executive Office Building, part of the White House complex on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Mike Meredith works his Blackberry in White House Press Room.
Newly refurbished press room is furnished with royal blue velvet drapes, matching chairs, beige carpet, an American flag, and an overall comfort that was not available in the old press room.
The full-room crowd listened intently to issues from immigration to financial to terrorism.
Al Hubbard, Chief Economic Advisor to President George W. Bush, addresses the AFP group.

Left Staunton at 9:30 this morning heading to DC for Americans for Prosperity's "Defending the American Dream" Summit. The dreaded traffic was cleared up by the time we got to NOVA and we had smoothe sailing into the Nation's Capitol. On a gorgeous cloudless October day the monuments and buildings were beautiful as temps rose toward 90 degrees -- hot and humid but that could not damper our enthusiasm as we arrived at the Mayflower Hotel.

A quick stop by registration, grabbing name tags and schedules, and off we dashed to the waiting transport to take us to the White House for a briefing in the new press room located in the Old Executive Office Building. I had not been in the White House complex for a few years so it was nice to see it again ... and my friend said it was a dream-come-true for her to be there. Two-hundred Americans for Properity grassroots leaders from across the country enjoyed the briefing.

A fun moment: riding on our transport was a group of home school students from Michigan. As we approached the gate to enter the OEOB, I shook hands with Tim Phillips, President of AFP, and said hello ... and he asked if they could film us for a promotion spot. The home school students and several adults bunched together ... I told them I was a home school mom so I felt right at home ... and we looked at the camera, and shouted, "We're AFP and we're proud to be here!"

After the press room briefing we headed to the Capitol for a 3:00 news conference held with House Republican Leader John Boehner and other top-ranking Congressional leaders. The purpose of the news conference was to call for stronger spending reforms that will help limit wasteful pork-barrell earmarks. Members of Congress participating were Roy Blunt, Adam Putnam, Jeb Hensarling, Jeff Flake, Mike Rogers, and Phil Gingrey.

Back to the Mayflower to change for a Cocktail Recepton with Senators John McCain and Jim DeMint in the Hart Senate Office Building.

I knew it would be a whirlwind of activity ... and tomorrow promises to be even more so. There's a full schedule beginning with breakfast at 7:00 ... an opportunity to hear from the top GOP Presidential candidates and many of the conservative leaders in DC ... lunch with the Virginia delegation headed up by Attorney General Bob McDonnell ... book signings, grassroots seminars ... cocktail reception in the evening followed by the Ronald Reagan dinner.

My thanks to Mike Meredith for all his help.

Photos by SWAC Girl

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