Sunday, October 21, 2007

Just a reminder ... have you forgotten?

For those lefty liberals who think Delegate Todd Gilbert and Delegate Clay Athey "are spreading lies about a mosque and a Moslem organization in order to attempt to link Governor Kaine and other Virginia Democrats to terrorism," here's a reminder of what happened six short years ago.

Over 3,000 innocent lives were lost when terrorists struck our country. Thanks to the diligence and leadership of President George W. Bush, we have not been attacked since. Thanks to the diligence and leadership of Delegate Gilbert and Delegate Athey, hopefully there will not be an attack in Virginia.

You should be thanking these public servants for their willingness to protect your family but, instead, you are on a political rant. Get over politics for a moment and give thanks that you are safe.

What part of "No bombs dropping on your head" do you not understand?

1 comment:

  1. "Libels" are one thing, LIES are another.
    And you're a liar, Lynn.
    Which doesn't surprise me.
    Thanks to the diligence and leadership of President George W. Bush, we have not been attacked since.
    Yes, we WERE. We were attacked the very next week.
    Or did you forget the anthrax mailings?
    Oh, you probably did. They were mostly sent to Democrats.
    and if your idiot Preznit had done his job, heeded the August 2001 PDB and not fired the terrorism czar while the "system was blinking red", we'd not have been attacked at ALL.
